1 de abril de 2020


-Amusing: something very funny.                          
Unit 4 - Learning English is Great
-Upsetting: something annoying.
-Burst out laughing: to start laughing loudly and suddenly.
-Misunderstanding: something misunderstood.
-Warn: to advice.
-Spread news: let people know a notice.
-Gap: head injury.
-Text: to write to someone.

3 de marzo de 2020


Dracula is a novel published in 1897 by the Irishman Bram Stoker, who has made his protagonist the most famous vampire.

The main characters are:
Count Dràcula: noble of Transylvania with strange behavior that moves to London.
Abraham Van Helsing: Dutch professor, whose apprentice is John Seward. He was called to cure Lucy.
Jonathan Harker: young man who visits Count Dracula for business reasons, being a prisoner in the castle; Mina's fiance.
Mina Harker: It is the heroine who thanks to her help manages to capture Count Dracula. Jonathan Harker's wife. Despite its great beauty, the work is valued more for its empowerment and its desire for justice.
Lucy Westenra: She is Mina's best friend. She is attacked by Count Dracula, transforming her into a vampire who steals children to quench her thirst, ends up being killed by her own fiancé, so she can rest in peace.

The narrative is set in two different locations, between England and Transylvania in the year 1890. The story begins when Jonathan Harker, who is a young lawyer, must move to the home of Count Dracula in Transylvania for the benefit of his boss to provide legal support regarding a real estate deal. Harker begins to be influenced by Dracula and is attacked by the vampire mermaids, causing him to barely leave the castle alive.

23 de enero de 2020


1.- We together the two legs and flexion, we bring the knees as close as possible to the chest. We edure legs with hands and we exercise a little force. We have to hold minimum 30 seconds

2.- We strech looking upward with legs together an flexed and we rotate the knees for the two sides, but with the back supported on the floor 30 seconds for each side and 10 times.
3.- We get four legs, swing up the back up and we will release the air a little and now the same but down and breathe air. Repeat 10 times and make very slow.

1.- Stand up or sitting, we raise our defenses, see that the elauas do not exceed the height of the shoulder and are well, he inhibits the arms from a degree or augments. With our elueues doueu, use to move the position back and forth for 10 seconds.

2.- Stop it from being parallel to the floor and resting on the side of the spine. With the body facing up with our backs towards a column, with the arm outstretched until it rotates, we take the torso to the opposite side. We hold 5 seconds of blow on each arm.

3.- Lift your palm on to the front arm. Using your body on the side of your spine, delay your leg from the periug side of your palm to your opposite leg with your rings slightly bent. In this position, retain the fruuk ausay of the column, holding the position for 16 seconds with each aru. and facadeiueg a spine, resting the arm 

2 de diciembre de 2019


1. What can I do that I couldn't do before?
    Talk more well in English.
2. Can I  understand  information from LISTENINGS?
    Yes, but sometimes I don't undestand some senteces.
3. Can I WRITE a brief paragraph?
    Yes, but somtimes I mess. 
4. Can I SPEAK using vocabulary and grammar learnt this term?
    Yes, but I feel embarrassment.
5. Can I understand information for READINGS?
    Yes, I understand this year more well.
6. What do I like most?
     Work in groups. 
7. What do I do well?
    I can do well the readings.
8. What do I confused about?
    I am confused about nothing.
9. What do I need help with?
    I need help with translation. 
10. What do I do in English outside the class?
    I go to classes.
11. What do I need to improve?
    Participate more in class and attend more. 
12. What did I learn about culture?
    Information from Australia and Ireland.

28 de noviembre de 2019



disappointing: decepcionante                                   award: premio
dramatic: dramático                                                  beginning: principio
dull: aburrido                                                             bestseller: mejor vendido
enjoyable: agradable                                                 critic: crítica
entertaining: entretenido                                           ending: final
hilarious: divertidisimo                                             film director: director de cine
informative: informativo                                           hit: golpe
original: original                                                        main character: protagonista
predictable: previsible                                               novelist: novelista
realistic: realista                                                         plot: trama
spectacular: espectacular                                           review: reseña
terrifying: espantoso                                                  setting: escenario
audience: audiencia                                                    box office: taquilla
income: ingresos                                                         publicity: publicidad
special effects: efectos especiales                               talented: talentoso



The Celts arrived at Ireland arround 300 b.C, they left traces in art and culture that can be found today. Christianity arrived at Ireland between the III and V century, The Vikings ruled from the XVIII century onwards until the country became part of the British kingdom in 1169.

A long fight for independence took place until 1922, when the 26 counties in southern Ireland became independent from the United Kingdom, they became the Republic of Ireland. During the fighting, the island was divided creating Northern Ireland. Meanwhile, the Republic of Ireland joined what would in the future be the European Union.


OSCAR WILDE: He was born in Dublin in 1954 and died in Paris in 1900. He was a writer of novels, children's stories, plays and poems like “The happy prince”.

ELIZABETH BOWEN: He was born in Dublin in 1899 and died in 1973. She was a storyteller and wrote novels like “The death of the heart”.

SAMUEL BECKETT: He was born in Dublin in 1906 and died in Paris in 1989. He was an important novelist, critic and poet. One of the best known works is “Waiting for godot”.

JOHN BOYNE: He was born in Dublin in 1971 and he didn’t die. He is a writer of novels for adults, novels for young people and stories.he has famous works like the boy with the striped pyjamas.

26 de octubre de 2019




Australia's best-known animals are kangaroo and koala. But i'm going to tell you some who aren't that well known.

Wombats are marsupials that are native to Australia. It looks like a muscular bear, small and with very short legs. They are about 1 m in length with small tails. There are found in wooded, mountainous areas in southeast of Australia.

Tasmanian devil is a carnivorous marsupial. Its size is like that of a small dog and its skin is covered with black hair. It is characterized by its unpleasant smell, by its very loud shout. At present it is only found in the wild on the island of Tasmania, in southeast Australia.

Dromaius are big birds, not flying.Its plumage is gray, with a blue throat. They are omnivorous birds that feed on insects and seeds, it is the second largest bird, after the ostrich.Its natural habitat is in the continent of Oceania.

Hopping Mouse are mice from Australia. They are rodents, not marsupials.These animals need very little water to survive and usually spend all day inside their burrows.All are brown or beige, have very long tails and well developed hind legs.

Tiger quoll is an endangered species. It measures 35 to 75 cm and its tail can measure up to 50 cm.It has small ears and its fur is brown. They feed on birds, other marsupials, reptiles and insects.They are found in humid forests of southeastern Australia and Tasmania, and in northern Queensland.

It is covered with hair and spikes, and has a characteristic snout and a specialized tongue to hunt its prey at high speed.This species lives throughout Australia.It feeds on ants and other insects that it captures with its tongue.

The blue rings octopus are very small. They have a yellow and brown tone body and on top they have rings of different sizes in a very colorful blue color. They are one of the most poisonous animals out there. They live in the sea pools in the Pacific Ocean.

Its colors and appearance similar to that of flying squirrels, but above all its large eyes, give it a sweet and strange look. They are found in eastern and northern Australia and are nocturnal animals, live in trees and live in groups of up to 10 individuals.



This is a festival that takes place in May in the city of Sydney. The whole city is illuminated with
colorful lights. The Custom House becomes a nightclub and the Opera House projects drawings and colors that illuminate the entire center.


Is held on January 26 ,is the day Australia was born, when the first fleet landed in Sydney Bay. This day is not worked and celebrated with fireworks and music.

This day has some particularity, and is that you can find Santa Claus dressed in swimsuit and flip flops. The climate in Europe and the USA is usually cold in December, but in Australia it is very hot and can reach up to 30 degrees.

10 de octubre de 2019



acceptable: aceptable                                        active: activo
badly-behaved: maleducado                             adventurous: aventurero
common: común                                                ambitious: ambicioso
compulsory: obligatorio                                    artistic: artistico
direct: directo                                                    confident: confidencial
dishonest: deshonesto                                       creative: creativo
easy-going: permisivo                                       curious: curioso
fair: justo                                                            hard-working: trabajador
familiar: familiar                                               logical: logico
honest: honesto                                                  mathematical: matemático
indirect: indirecto                                              organized: organizado
rare: raro                                                            sociable: sociable
strict: stricto                                                       career: carrera
unacceptable: inaceptable                                 degree: titulo/grado
unfair: injusto                                                    ceremony: ceremonia
unfamiliar: desconocido                                    hunt: cazar
voluntay: voluntario                                          status: statua
well-behaved: comportarse bien                       tatto: tatuaje
tribe: tribu                                                          warrior: guerrero
achievement: logro                                            arrival: llegada
protection: protección                                       survival: supervivencia
feel at home: sentirse como en casa                  feel homesick: sentirse nostalgico
miss: echar de menos/perder                              settle into: instalarse